A few months ago I posted a quote from one of my favorite celebrities, NPR's Ira Glass. In the quote, Glass says that if a person wants to get to the level of success they want, they must first churn out material. Week after week of written, published, completed, finished material. I have not done that with this blog. As a result I feel my writing and overall creativity has suffered. That is why this blog is a blog just for the sake of it. Everyone has to start somewhere right? This is my kick-starting the creativity within me again.
This semester has definitely had its ups and downs. Grad school is a step up from college. I am enjoying my classes. Its really nice to be finally learning material that is relevant to my profession instead of hearing about counseling in small bits and pieces scattered throughout long lectures on the history of psychology or research methods, counseling is front and center. It really interests me and so far I'm glad I chose it.
Starting over in a completely new environment has been somewhat of a challenge. Meeting new people, starting new friendships, new relationships, all involves getting out of a comfort zone. Its harder than I thought it would be. Meeting people is the hardest. If I am around a group of people for a while I usually become friends with them. The problem with graduate school is that you are only around a select few people. Out of those people you may or may not want to be friends with them. That means a majority of the friends your going to make have to be met outside the classroom setting. Meeting people in the caf, in intramurals, through networking-are all situations that are tough. I'm sure eventually I'll make more friends. For now though, with one week until break, I'm not trying.
Can't wait for spring break. There I will snuggle into my comfort zone and not think about coming out until I'm back at school. There. That felt good.
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