Sometimes this world can hurt. I forget that at times. I hurt from time to time emotionally. Sometimes people even say things that hurt my feelings. "Hey Scott, where'd you get that sweater? The UGLY STORE!?!" The hurt that I forget the most is physical pain.
We see war movies where people die or get limbs blown off and we don't even blink. 123 people die in a plane crash in a far off country and we shrug and go on with our day.
Last Sunday I was reminded that there is pain and it hurts. I was coming back from Andrews with some of my Wakonda friends. We had stopped at a gas station to refill. I got out of the car, turned towards the store, slam the door, and suddenly get yanked back towards the car. I had slammed my pinky finger in the door!
I don't cuss. Its never been a problem for me except for a rebellious two week period in the 6th grade where I would do it by myself to feel cool. In that moment when my pinky was smushed in the car door I made up some weird sounds. "SHHHHHHHHAHHHH! JUNK!!!!"
Long story short my pinky still hurts.Its black and blue, and makes hitting the "Enter' key on the keyboard a lot harder. I felt pain. When people feel pain they can relate better to others in the same situations. In that moment I felt bad for people suffering because I was going through what they were. I guess thats another reason why Jesus can relate to us. He went through a lot more than a squashed finger for me. Thanks Jesus.
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