I love flashbacks. The sudden rush of feelings. The sense that your somewhere else, a different person. Usually the flashbacks are good. Its a happy, giddy feeling that takes your breath away. Other times you feel a knot in the pit of your stomach as you are taken to a time that wasn't very fun.
Different things seem to trigger flashbacks. Smells, a certain sound-a laugh you haven't heard in years. The thing that has a big effect on me is music. If I hear a certain song that I haven't heard in a while I am immediately the old me. The Scott that existed when that song was a big part of my life.
Here are a few examples...
Song title: "Blue" by Eiffel 65
Ohhhh man. This song takes me back to the 6th grade. It was when I was first getting into music. This song was soooo cool! I remember listening to it on the radio, feeling just a bit rebellious. Hahaha! Funny now.
Song title: "Paper Planes" by M.I.A.
When I hear this song I think back to my time spent on Majuro. I had heard it before but it became big after the movie Slumdog Millionaire. I listened to this song jogging around the island. It causes happy flashbacks.
Song title: "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz
Listening to this song its hard not so start grinning. This song came on the radio right before Majuro. I loved it when I heard it. I remember listening to this song driving around in the school's white van with my fellow SMs going grocery shopping. Its really amazing how specific your memories can be.
Song title: "Smile" by Uncle Kracker
This is an example of how an amazing song can come from the most unlikely of sources. This was my summer song of 2010. I am transported to Camp Wakonda in Wisconsin. This song reminds me of a time when there was few worries and no homework hanging over my head. Me gusta mucho!
Song title: "Don't Worry" by Rebecca St. James
7th grade. This happy, dance-inducing song has a great message and catchy melody. I remember listening to this song in the car with my mom. She remarked that she really liked it. I thought it was weird that my mom liked the same music I did. Ever since then I've been looking for stuff that she doesn't. JOKE! I kid, I kid... It actually made me respect her a little bit more and look at her in a different light.
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