I just got an awesome package in the mail! I received a manila folder filled with letters from kids living on the island of Majuro in the middle of the Pacific ocean. They are letters from kids I taught when I was a student missionary there in 2008-2009. They were in 4th grade then and are in 6th grade now. A few weeks ago I sent them a box full of books that I owned when I was in grade school. They were mostly old Garfield books and some mysteries. A few weeks later I found these letters waiting for me! They are not filled with the best grammar, punctuation, or spelling but I wouldn't want them any other way. Here are a few of my favorites...
Dear Mr. Scott,
Thank You 4 the Garfield book they Were Good And nice. We Miss You. Have a nice day :) - Bethleeca
so, How is florida are you guys doing well, is it snowing at winter time. does florida has synomy do you guys ever had it? This is all!!!- Marly
That you for the book you give us I will pray for you- Junior
(This next one is in two parts.)
Dear Mr. Scott,
I really Miss you so much. when are you coming back to visit us? it's been 4 years. I guess. are you coming back to visit us? Krystal is asking you a question. are you big. because when you were here you were skinny.
My name is Amber. to you still remember my from forth grade? I want to thank you for the Books. I like them. espescially the garifield books :) p.s. Love you
to Mr. Scott, I'am 13 years old and I'm in grade six. also my teacher name is ms. Laura. I can believe that I really miss and so my classmate and that all wrote for you. I really miss you from 3 or 2 years ago. -Hilario
These are just a few of my favorites. These letters made my day! There were pictures, colored pics, and drawings (my favorite was of a cool looking guy with a six pack holding a knife).
These letters really took me back to a happy time in my life. I hope that everyone gets a chance to have that feeling.
happily, Scott
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